Mark it down on your calendar: June 22 is the date when Tesla is due to begin deliveries of its model s sedan. 特斯拉汽车公司(TeslaMotors)最新款的ModelS电池动力汽车将从这一天开始发售。
Next change password: Date of the next due password change Nextchangepassword:下一次应该修改密码的日期
The list can also be sorted by priority, start date, and due time. 还可以按优先级、启动日期和到期时间对该列表排序。
Reports are due by class time on each date that they are due. 遇各项缴交期限,请在当日课程结束前缴交。
With the Durban climate change conference set to take place in November, Hong called on developed countries to make a commitment at an early date and assume their due obligations. 德班国际气候会议将在11月召开,洪磊呼吁发达国家尽早做出承诺,履行其应承担的义务。
The cash discount given on this bill is an incentive to pay the bill on the date due. 对此账单,我公司所以办理现金折扣,乃系奖励如期付款。
In all cases where a tax return has not been lodged by the due date extended due date, estimated assessments will be issued and or penalty proceedings commenced. 在任何情况下,如未能在到期或延期届满前递交报税表者,本局可发出估计评税及进行处罚诉讼。
Ten days before the expected delivery date, I am due to go on a business trip to Los Angeles with my boss. 在她的预产期前10天,我要与老板一起去洛杉矶出差。
The ticket office will be making an announcement regarding selling arrangements for the new date in due course. 售票部门将会在适当的时候发出一份关于出售改期比赛票务的公告。
I accept no written work handed in late without having given permission prior to the date the work is due. 如果因故需要延迟缴交作业,必须在规定的期限以前得到我的允许。否则,我将不接收该作业。
Note that when no actions have been identified for completion on the improvement plan, the assessor can select the answer "Actions completed by date due" as it can be considered complete. 请注意,当行动一直没有就改善计划完成后确定,评税主任可以选择回答“到期的行动完成”,因为它可以被视为完成。
Track business issues, including progress, contributors, date closed, due date, status, and owners for action items. 跟踪任务状况,包括进度、参与者、结束日期、截止日期、状态和交办事项的所有者。
"While payment" means bills of exchange due date or the due date of the bill in good faith payment to ticket holders, and ticket holders do not know the title of the bill have any flaws. “正当付款”指在汇票到期日或到期日后善意地对汇票之持票人付款,并不知持票人对汇票之所有权有任何瑕疵。
When a class is missed, students are responsible to make up all class work and assignments, including date due in accordance with the teacher's instructions. 学生因缺勤而未完成的作业,需在任课教师规定的时间内完成。
The planned maintenance for Thursday will be postponed to a later date due to a server failure. 因为服务器故障,原计划在周四进行的维护推迟。
The transaction card is also used to show the date due for return. 流水号卡片,也用来表示图书应归还日期。
Each sale has three dates associated with the sale: an order date, a due date, and a ship date. 每个销售都具有三个与其关联的日期:订单日期、到期日期和发货日期。
They pointed out that failure to complete the contract by the agreed date had been entirely due to circumstances beyond their control-the exceptionally severe winter, and strikes in the supply industries. 他们指出未能按协议日期完成这项合同完全是因为人力不可抗拒的因素&异乎寻常的严冬以及供货行业的屡次罢工。
For a parallel workflow, type or select a date under tasks are due by. 对于并行工作流,请在“任务截止日期”下键入或选择一个日期。
The date be lose due to a software malfunction. 由于软件故障,数据丢失。
Electrical connection has been omitted since production date due to the use of the new convertible-top gears. 电气插头自生产日期起取消,因为使用了新型活顶齿轮。
With the rapid social development, the traditional reflector is out of date due to its ponderous and bulky shortcomings in modern communication. 由于现代社会对通讯系统灵活机动的要求,传统的抛物面反射天线笨重、体积庞大的劣势已经日益显现。
The traditional internal control with ignoring the risk appears out of date due to the advanced information technology of the market economy. 但是在先进的信息技术及市场条件下,传统的不重视风险的内部控制已显得过时。
Otherwise, it would be penalized by the fixed identical weight. Two polynomial algorithms were presented to find the optimal schedule for due date and due window and two examples were shown to illustrate the algorithms. 否则,就要受到一个固定的提前/拖期惩罚.提出了在交货期及交货期窗口下的寻找最优调度的多项式算法,并以两个实例说明了算法。
However, direct equity investment by security firms is highly controversial since the date of arising due to the dual role. 然而,券商直投业务从产生之日起,就因券商的双重角色而饱受争议。
This article has made an empirical analysis of issue date effect and the due date effect using t-test method. The conclusion is that the effect of warrants issue date and due date is not certainly remarkable in one day in China. 运用t检验对权证的上市日效应和到期日效应进行了实证检验,结论是:中国权证的上市日效应和到期日效应在一日的时间间隔内并不显著。
The aim of the internal control is to promote and protect the interest of the investor and create new value. The traditional internal control with ignoring the risk appears out of date due to the advanced information technology of the market economy. 内部控制的目标是为了促进和维护投资者利益,并创造新的价值。但是在先进的信息技术及市场条件下,传统的不重视风险的内部控制已显得过时。
Optical disk plays an important role on date storage system due to its high capability, low cost, fast transmission rate and excellent controllability. 光碟以其高容量、低成本、传输速度快及可控性佳等优点,已成为资料存储装置的首要之选。
But the family enterprises is generated from the date due to various causes congenital deficiency, low level management, lagging concept of talent, imperfect incentive system, lack of communication and exchange, ignoring the staff training and development and career planning. 但是家族企业自产生之日起就由于各种原因导致先天不足,管理水平低下、落后的人才观念、不完善的激励制度、缺乏沟通与交流、忽视员工的培训开发和职业生涯规划。